Overcoming Challenges for Small Nonprofits in Colorado Springs

The BKD study recently conducted an examination of the operations and governance of not-for-profit organizations, with staff and capacity being the main challenges identified. Across the country, nonprofit organizations such as StableStrides, an Elbert equine therapy program, are facing financial and personnel issues due to the pandemic and donors' concerns for the economy and the war. According to the survey of 878 nonprofit organizations of various sizes and types, nearly 60% reported a budget deficit and 65% experienced an increase in demand for their programs or services. StableStrides has gone through multiple leadership changes over the years, according to Saksa, who led the organization for a decade. This is a common issue among small nonprofits, as they often lack the resources to hire and retain qualified personnel. In addition to staffing issues, small nonprofits in Colorado Springs also face challenges related to fundraising.

With limited resources, they often struggle to reach potential donors and secure donations. Furthermore, they may not have access to the same grant opportunities as larger organizations. Another challenge faced by small nonprofits is visibility. Without a large marketing budget, it can be difficult for them to get their message out to potential supporters. Additionally, they may not have access to the same media outlets as larger organizations. Finally, small nonprofits may struggle with compliance issues.

Without a dedicated staff member or consultant to ensure that they are following all applicable laws and regulations, they may be at risk of non-compliance. Small nonprofits in Colorado Springs face many challenges but with dedication and hard work, they can overcome them. By focusing on fundraising, visibility, compliance, and staffing issues, they can ensure that their organization is successful. To overcome these challenges, small nonprofits should start by creating a plan that outlines their goals and objectives. This plan should include strategies for fundraising, marketing, compliance, and staffing. Additionally, they should look for ways to increase their visibility by utilizing social media platforms and other digital marketing strategies. Small nonprofits should also consider partnering with larger organizations or businesses in order to access more resources.

These partnerships can help them gain access to grant opportunities or other forms of funding that may not be available otherwise. Finally, small nonprofits should focus on building relationships with their donors. By engaging with their supporters on a regular basis and providing them with updates on their progress, they can build trust and loyalty that will help them secure donations in the future. Small nonprofits in Colorado Springs face many challenges but with dedication and hard work, they can overcome them. By focusing on fundraising, visibility, compliance, and staffing issues, they can ensure that their organization is successful.

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